Liam Neeson Reveals His Primal Side | Seeking Revenge For A Loved one
In an outrageous new interview, “Taken” star Liam Neeson admits that he once sought vengeance for a loved one’s rape by searching for a black person to kill.
During a discussion with Britain’s The Independent, the Irish Oscar nominee-turned-action hereo exposed that when he got back home from an overseas trip and came to know that a loved one had been raped, he went looking for retribution.
The actor explained that the emotion at the time was primal, triggered by a situation when a family member is hurt under criminal conditions.
Neeson further elucidated that eventhough the victim’s reaction was quite restrained his reaction was not so. He went on to probe deeper, and found out who it was a black person.
He then went up and down the street hoping to bump into this black man and to put him down.
Having been quite open about the incident, the today’s Neeson admits that even the thought of putting someone down was horrible.

The 66 year old Neeson looks back at the incident with disgrace and repentance. Neeson didn’t divulge about the date and place of this rape.
Trending: Liam Neeson Reveals His Primal Side, Seeking Revenge For A Loved one, Taken star Liam Neeson, Liam Neeson sought vengeance, Liam Neeson intrview, Liam Neeson The Independent, Irish Oscar nominee-turned-action hereo, Paandu Breaking News, Paanducelebs
Sources: usatoday
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